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    关于 MarkdownWeb





    About MarkdownWeb

    This program is used to build a simple static display website, translate the ‘markdown’ file directly into ‘HTML’, and allow the template file ‘md.tpl’ to beautify the page.

    The root directory of the website is the ‘files’ directory. The homepage is index.md.

    If there is an ‘md.tpl’ file in the directory (or sub directory), the template file in the directory will be used. Otherwise, the default ‘md.tpl’ will be used.

    It is allowed to display a group of rotation pictures. Use ‘ad.json’ to specify the picture list and the corresponding ‘URL’. Refer to the matching method of ‘md.tpl’ and ‘ad.js’ in the example for the usage method.


    实例网站文件结构 ( Directory struct of the example web site )

    ├── markdownweb
    ├── ad.json
    ├── md.tpl
    ├── files
    │   ├── ad.js
    │   ├── appimagelauncher.md
    │   ├── bei-an.png
    │   ├── connpool.md
    │   ├── favicon.ico
    │   ├── images
    │   │   ├── 1.png
    │   │   ├── 2.png
    │   │   ├── diary.jpg
    │   │   ├── res.png
    │   │   └── shot.png
    │   ├── index.md
    │   ├── jquery-3.3.1.min.js
    │   ├── mdserv.md
    │   ├── md.tpl
    │   ├── mdview.md
    │   ├── pipeconn.md
    │   ├── pluginloader.md
    │   ├── rpc2d.md
    │   ├── RunOnUbuntu1904.md
    │   ├── secret-diary-1206-win32.zip
    │   ├── secret-diary.md
    │   ├── shipgunner.md
    │   ├── style.css
    │   └── traycontroller.md
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    Powered by MarkdownWeb